Techno Freak

Thursday, August 30, 2007

How to Clone a Hard Drive

How to Clone a Hard Drive

Did know that you could clone your current Hard Drive without having to by extra software? Maybe you didn't know that all that you needed, was already set up on your current system? Well, it is... and if you follow this tut, you shouldn't have much of a problem.

Make sure that you have a Master and a Slave setup on your system. The Slave drive, in this case, is where all the data on the Master is going to go to.

First: Perform a Scandisk your Master drive and follow that with a thorough Defrag. If you have an Antivirus program, do a thorough sweep with the AV first, then do the Scandisk, followed by the Defrag.

Second: Do the same thing to the target drive, as you did the Master: Scandisk then a thorough Defrag.

Third: Right-click on the Target drive and click on Format. When the box comes up, click your mouse onto the "Full" button.

Fourth: After Formatting the Target drive, run a Scandisk again and click on the button that says "Autofix Errors".

Fifth: In this final part, you might want to cut-and-paste to code in, unless you are sure that you can do it without making any mistakes:

Click on the "Start" button, then click on the "Run..." button, then place the following into the Runbox:

"XCOPY C:\*.*D:\ /c/h/e/k/r" (minus the quotes, of course) then press the "Enter" button.

If you receive an error message, then remove the space from between XCOPY and C:\

Anything that should happen to come up in the DOS box, just click "Y" for "Yes". When its all finished, pull the original Master from the system, designate the Slave as the Master (change your jumpers), then check your new Master out.

This tut has worked and has been tested on all systems except for Windows 2000, so you really shouldn't have any problems. If, by any chance, you should come across a snag, message me and I'll walk you through it.



Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Linux Sucks

List of Linux flaws that make it look silly:

I don't expect this list to be up to date; Linux is impossible enough to keep up with as a user, and it's even harder to keep up with how broken and lame it is this week. In general, the further something is down the list, the newer the information is. It's almost surprising how much of the older items still hold true today, until you consider the fragmented and undirected development effort.

Before you wet the briefs your mommy bought for you at Target and frantically search for a link to email me something about how "it's not like that anymore" or "how dare you insult Linux! I will h4x0r you!" or other such standard Linux sycophant drives, consider for a moment that I just don't give a fuck what you have to say. I understand that it can be upsetting to you to see your precious OS exposed as the garbage it is. I've heard it all before, so you can save your energy for something more complex and important to you, like learning how to get your ass kicked.

The Linux c0d3rz wave the free-software flag, but they're just as bad as Microsoft in making software that can run only under their OS.

• No consistent pronunciation the os's name (line-ucks? lynn-ucks?)

• /usr/include/linux (come on. honestly.) Lame. Nonstandard. (For the clue-deprived, this means that any code written for linux using the linux/ headers will be incompatible with all other UNIX flavors.) Guess what: string.h, types.h, malloc.h, signal.h, and so-on don't belong in a platform-specific include directory. Hope you didn't want to port your code...

• Neither the sigaction manpage nor the signal.h includes indicate what the system defaults are. Of course, they've put signal.h in /usr/include/linux...

• "Intro" manpages are a joke. Compare the BSD section 2 intro with the one from Linux.

• File systems mount async by default (power outage and your fs dies)

• Most linux users don't have pubes yet and are intolerably lame (3Y3 4m 1337 H4x0r d00d [uz 3y3 h4v3 L1Nux!)

• Too many things in user space that belong in the kernel (nfs)

• Too many things in the kernel that belong in user space (java)

• No standard distribution. Linux people say this is a good thing? Try writing software or software configuration instructions when you never know how the OS is going to be laid out, or try finding the responsible party for a block of OS code, or try fixing security problems when they arise and you'll see that this is NOT a good thing at all.

• svr4? bsd? Make up your mind?

• Lame NFS & dd

• #linux, #hack, #linuxwarez...

• New kernel every week that breaks half your applications

• Security flaw/Root compromise

• glibc? libc? libc5? libc6? glibc2?

• /bin/sh != sh; /bin/sh == bash. Lame. Nonstandard. Result: broken shell scripts and nonportable code.

• /usr/bin/make != make; /usr/bin/make == gmake. Lame. Nonstandard. Same result as above: nonportable code.

• ext2fs

• Linux will mount partitions that are not clean

• Can't handle partitions > 2GB (I’ve hear they finally fixed this one)

• e2fsck deliberately leaves/creates corrupt files (if there is a block that it duplicate between two files, e2fsck will clone the duplicate (while fsck will remove both files. This can also result in a user gaining unauthorized access to another user's data.))

• it swap likes swap to swap swap too swap often swap

• only allows 128M of swap at a time; for a 1G of swap, you need 8 swap partitions

• can't handle more than 1GB of RAM

• To install Joe's program, you need Bob's kernel hack, but for Bob's kernel hack, you've got to have Suzy's patches, but Suzy's patches only work with a year-old kernel, unless you get Mike's patches to Suzy's patches, but even then, those conflict with Jeff's drivers, which can be resolved only by installing Nancy's patches...

• Can't handle the same IP on more than one interface

• Can't handle large files

• Max file size: 2GB. (*BSD: 4 Terabytes)

• Dynamically linked root shell. Doom!

• lilo! any boot loader that needs to have magic block numbers is wrong

• linux icmp.h is *NOT* unix icmp.h - they're totally incompatible.

• flatfile password files make listing large ftp directories impossible due to huge numbers of flatfile searches.

• password file can be non-shadowed - encrypted passwords visible to all

• shadow.h! hahahahahahaha!

• Miserably pathetic threading implementation doesn't scale for shit: all threads wake up on signals (stampeding process problem).

• LILO can't cope with kernels > 1Mb, so the kernel has to be gzipped.

• strfry and memfrob

• GPL - a license and a virus

• Fundamental design and direction problems. It turns out that Linus is not the smartest man in the world and the savior of all mankind.

• OS or religion?

• UNABLE TO LOAD INTERPRETER...memory leak much?

• This is a real Linux error message: Uhhh. NMI received. Dazed and Confused. Trying to cope ...such professionalism!

• The GNU su manpage actually says this:
This program does not support a "wheel group" that restricts who can su to super-user accounts, because that can help fascist system administrators hold unwarranted power over other users....apparently it's better for any user to attack the root password than to offer added security. Ignorance of security is a common Linux thread.

• vi != vi; vi == vim. Vim links to X libraries. Wipe X, and now you can't use vi. Retards.

• Still no USB support in 2000, after NetBSD and FreeBSD has had it for nearly 2 years. So much for the "million geeks" theory of rapid software development.

• No version control used to manage the system.

Bicoherent The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity, by Carlo M. Cipolla
Perfectly applicable to Linux crowd

The First Law:

Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

The Second Law:

The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.

The Third Law:

A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons whiles himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.

The Forth Law:

Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.

The Fifth Law:

A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

The corollary of the Law is that:

A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit.

Linux-Suck-O-Meter, Oops OS-Suck-O-Meter

This operating system quality and approval metric is based on a periodic Google search for each of several operating systems, directly followed by "sucks", "rules", or "rocks".
We search for all operating system names exactly as shown above.

“The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to hang yourself. And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.”

New Religion: Church Of Linux (CoL)

SAN JOSE, CA -- The first sanctuary for the new Church of Linux opened today in Silicon Valley. Church founders celebrated by passing out Linux CDs to bystanders and by roasting Windows 98 CDs on a portable BBQ grill. "This is a milestone in computing history," one observer noted.

The Church of Linux has received official non-profit status from the State of California. It is now a recognized religion. "We founded the CoL because, well, we think Linus Torvalds is God," a CoL member said. "Who else could write such heavenly code? We are currently writing an official Bible; right now we are endorsing 'The Cathedral and the Bazaar' as an interim manifesto."

When asked what beliefs the CoL represented, one member wearing a t-shirt with a large penguin logo said: "Simple. Linus is God. Bill is Satan. Writing closed source software is a sin. Any questions?"

Some industry analysts are skeptical about the Church of Linux. Jessie Burst, Ziff-Slavis writer, wrote in today's AnchorTable column: "These [Linux] people are nuts. Everyone knows that the only true path to salvation is through One Microsoft Way..." John Snorvak, PC Weak columnist added, "A religion based on an OS? Here I've been thinking Amiga users were the strange ones. Shows how little I know."


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

An comparsion betwwen linux & windows


there is something called Linux..
i say it really, badly sux!

m not saying windows is gud..
its equally shitty junk food!

but atleast windows doesnt say memory is cheap...
as u click on somthing in linux, it goes 2 sleep :))

i agree in windows, your finger needa do gymnastics
but in linux they gotta run fast, thats atheletics

how can one even think windows will go down?
even linux geeks go 2 microsoft's town.

Viruses attack windows badly and its a mess!
but do viruses even know about linux existence? :))

windows always pisses me by giving error during a game.
but linux gives segfault during any kinda 'main'!

Windows developers think least about security,
well thats good, v r free people of 21st century.

windows power: just do 5 clicks and start a movie.
Linux agony: write 100 commands to play an mp3.

installation in windows is just next-next-next & done
i hardly found 'make install' work... giving errors in ton.

Why the hell i need a programs' src code when i hav just 2 use it?
moreover the absolutely bull/horse crap code fills my hard disk.

Seen games in linux? they look shittier than quake3,
where technology has reached half-Life2 and Doom3.

Ahem ahem... u will say doom3 exists for Linux.. isnt it?
well mister, try 2 see how much fps ur getting in it!

You will say linux is better while u r programming
tell me relatively how many hrs actually u r working?

Well 2 things linux is good at really
Is setting up a any kinda dedicated server properly.

and one more is that if ur enemy is really happy,
just give him a linux terminal... he will bcome angry! :))

You know GNU people, making codes available for free,
is like selling our valuable professionality free.

neway this will go on & u will die in some years or 10
nobody thinks about children and there childrens' children.

-- Anonymous