An comparsion betwwen linux & windows
there is something called Linux..
i say it really, badly sux!
m not saying windows is gud..
its equally shitty junk food!
but atleast windows doesnt say memory is cheap...
as u click on somthing in linux, it goes 2 sleep :))
i agree in windows, your finger needa do gymnastics
but in linux they gotta run fast, thats atheletics
how can one even think windows will go down?
even linux geeks go 2 microsoft's town.
Viruses attack windows badly and its a mess!
but do viruses even know about linux existence? :))
windows always pisses me by giving error during a game.
but linux gives segfault during any kinda 'main'!
Windows developers think least about security,
well thats good, v r free people of 21st century.
windows power: just do 5 clicks and start a movie.
Linux agony: write 100 commands to play an mp3.
installation in windows is just next-next-next & done
i hardly found 'make install' work... giving errors in ton.
Why the hell i need a programs' src code when i hav just 2 use it?
moreover the absolutely bull/horse crap code fills my hard disk.
Seen games in linux? they look shittier than quake3,
where technology has reached half-Life2 and Doom3.
Ahem ahem... u will say doom3 exists for Linux.. isnt it?
well mister, try 2 see how much fps ur getting in it!
You will say linux is better while u r programming
tell me relatively how many hrs actually u r working?
Well 2 things linux is good at really
Is setting up a any kinda dedicated server properly.
and one more is that if ur enemy is really happy,
just give him a linux terminal... he will bcome angry! :))
You know GNU people, making codes available for free,
is like selling our valuable professionality free.
neway this will go on & u will die in some years or 10
nobody thinks about children and there childrens' children.
-- Anonymous